Tabular Presentation of R&D Expenses ∑ = Total Expenses (in thousands) Year Ended December 31, 2022 2021 Change $
Inc Three Months Ended September Change Nine Months Ended September Change % 2023 2022 Inc % 2023 2022 Inc % Clinical Trials $ 3,521 $ 3,189 $ 332 10% $ 818 $ 470 $ 347 74% $ 3,397 $ 3,012 $ 385 13% R&D Direct
Labor 4,284 4,915 (631) (13%) 1,253 1,024 229 22% 3,431 3,117 314 10% Development and
Manufacturing 2,831 1,538 1,293 84% 229 438 (209) (48%) 550 2,110 (1,560) (74%) Preclinical 1,045 599 446 74% 206 112 94 83% 327 507 (181) (36%) Product Research
Expenses 1,354 1,802 (448) (25%) 79 277 (199) (72%) 503 1,061 (559) (53%) R&D Indirect Labor 1,984 1,923 61 3% 272 472 (200) (42%) 902 1,501 (600) (40%) Consulting and Outside
Services 595 1,043 (448) (43%) 75 179 (104) (58%) 278 577 (299) (52%) Share Based
Compensation 672 881 (209) (24%) 104 75 29 39% 277 406 (129) (32%) Depreciation/Amortization 173 208 (35) (17%) 22 43 (21) (49%) 70 136 (66) (49%) Miscellaneous 1,022 949 73 8% 139 141 (2) (2%) 481 775 (294) (38%) All
Other R&D 5,800 6,806 (1,006) (15%) 691 1,187 (496) (42%) 2,511 4,457 (1,946) (44%) Total $ 17,481 $ 17,047 $ 434 3% $ 3,196 $ 3,232 $ (36) (1%) $ 10,216 $ 13,203 $ (2,987) (23%) Note: Aquestive does not track
R&D Direct Labor and Preclinical expenses by project; as such these expenses are presented in total. 9